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  • · Only for US/CA/UK area temporarily.
  • · Exceeding 5 pairs will be charged shipping fee.

Consulting Servive Center

Paula    Time: 2021-03-09 05:11
Q: Hi, I’m trying to order the 1.74 lens but I’m not getting that option. How do I choose that?
A: Dear Paula, Please don\'t choose Single Vision (premium) at first step. Then you will see 1.74 lens at step three.SELECT LENSES THICKNESS
KLynBaker    Time: 2021-03-07 21:33
Q: I can't select polarized lenses when I attempt to order bifocal sunglasses. Do you offer these?
A: Dear KLyn Baker, Sorry, we don\'t offer these.
HillaryClark    Time: 2021-03-06 22:00
Q: I have quite a few points racked up. What is the usd equivalent of 1 point?
A: Dear Hillary Clark, 100 points can be used to offset $1
VictoriaMaranon    Time: 2021-03-06 12:55
Q: When I try to confirm lens type it is asking for PDs. I don't know what that is. I uploaded my RX.
A: Dear Victoria Maranon, The PD is very important to your vision. We need to make the lenses according to your PD. If you don\'t know your PD, you have rights to contact your doctor/optometrist to get your accurate PD value. Or you can measure it yourself with a millimeter ruler.Follow these simple steps: 1.) Rest a mm ruler on the bridge of your nose just in front of your eyes. Look straight ahead and line up the 0mm marker with the center or one pupil. 2.) Read the ruler in a mirror, or have someone at the same height as you read it. 3.) The mark that lands in the center of the other eye is your Pupillary Distance. 4.) Repeat these steps 2-3 times to make sure your results are accurate.
Ashley Jackson    Time: 2021-03-05 23:57
Q: I need my glasses to be able to see close up and far away, but when ordering it gives me the option to choose only one. Can you help me understand the correct option to choose?
A: Dear Ashley Jackson, Please don\'t choose single vision glasses. If you want bifocal glasses, please choose Bifocal With Line. If you want progressive glasses, you can choose Progressive or Free Form. Thank you.
Charlotte    Time: 2021-03-05 23:17
Q: How do I know my PD for reading glasses?
A: Dear Charlotte, If your distance PD is 62.0, your reading PD should be 59.0.
Isabel Allende     Time: 2021-03-02 10:58
Q: Hi I want the one free pair but I dont see the choice
A: Dear Isabel Allende, please choose 2 pairs of glasses on our website. Please enter the bogo code when check out. Please note that all coupon codes could not be applied to discounted glasses and accessories.
AnnahBloodgood    Time: 2021-03-02 09:07
Q: How can I order non-prescription glasses with bluelight blocking lenses?
A: Dear Annah Bloodgood, Please choose bluelight blocking lenses and enter 0.00 as your prescription.
LEAPOMPEY    Time: 2021-03-02 08:11
Q: I am trying to use my points when buying a pait of frames NOT on sale but it is not working. please advise.
A: Dear LEAPOMPEY, Which frame do you want ? Would you please take a screenshot of your shopping cart and send it to us ? We will help you.
Nikki scott    Time: 2021-03-02 07:58
Q: Love your glasses do you do prism lenses?
A: Dear Nikki scott, We do single vision glasses with prism .
KomEdwards    Time: 2021-02-28 09:29
Q: Were are my glasses
A: Dear Kim Edwards, We will ship your order tomorrow and we will email you a tracking number. Please don\'t worry.
Danielle     Time: 2021-02-28 07:09
Q: When will I receive my order? The order number is 82102121316472. I tried tracking but couldn't find out where to do that.
A: Dear Danielle, The tracking number is 9400116902368877414242. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877414242
TerryPearson     Time: 2021-02-27 19:55
Q: Greetings!, I received my Ofer and two of the three glasses are wonderful. However the third is to wide and thus if I hold my head down the fall off. Can I exchange them for a pair that fits properly. Thank you so much awaiting your reply, Terry
A: Dear Terry Pearson, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please tell us which one is too big for you ?
Connie Biafora    Time: 2021-02-27 10:12
Q: Missing Crystal's. Need replacement glasses or refund.
A: Dear Connie Biafora, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please tell us your order number ? Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
Mary    Time: 2021-02-26 19:47
Q: I would like a return and refund on my glasses. I am having issues with the lenses and one pair of glasses is broken.
A: Dear Mary, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
Michele    Time: 2021-02-25 16:49
Q: There was a black frame with a gold bar across the top with a lion on the front of the frame in the middle over the nose. When i tried to order them the item was out of stock. Whet is the name of the and will you be getting more of them?? Thank you
A: Dear Michele, sorry. It is discontinued.
TabathaCain    Time: 2021-02-24 17:18
Q: Can I return my glasses? If so, how do I send them back? Two problems-1, I've been wearing them for two days and I keep getting dizzy. 2- the frames are not the quality I expected
A: Dear Tabatha Cain, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
DeborahAlspaugh    Time: 2021-02-24 14:50
Q: Do you do prisms?
A: Dear Deborah Alspaugh, Yes, we do.
Lisa    Time: 2021-02-24 11:43
Q: Hi :) i have a few questions before i can order anything...If i were to order a pair or progressive lenses, can we also do transition and blue light all together? Ive done it before so worth asking. Also, the frames I'm looking at are Xaria. Thank you in advance for your help. :) Lisa
A: Dear Lisa, We would like to tell you that we don\'t have progressive lenses with blue light together. And we found that you ordered frame only( frame with non-prescription).Are you sure about this ? Do you need to cancel the order ?
SabrinaWinter    Time: 2021-02-24 10:53
Q: Do you offer higher lens indexes than 1.6? When I put in my prescription, I don't have a choice.
A: Dear Sabrina Winter, If you want index higher than 1.61, please don\'t choose Single Vision (premium) at first step.
Kirstie Lambeth    Time: 2021-02-24 06:51
Q: Hi, both pairs I have ordered have come damaged ? Can I have a replacement please
A: Dear Kirstie Lambeth, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you.Would you please tell us your order number. And would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
HimadriChawda    Time: 2021-02-24 03:38
Q: Are all frames available in all sizes or just what is mentioned in the description? I want ebony in medium. Please help.
A: Dear Himadri Chawda, We would like to tell you that each frame only have one size whicj is mentioned in the description.
PamelaRichard    Time: 2021-02-23 14:41
Q: I purchased my order on 2/9/21 and was charged 39.85 on 2/10/21, but when I checked my bank account I was also charged 3.00 for EFT fee, what is that and why wasn't it mentioned when I made the 39.85 that brings my balance to 42.84 and when will I receive my product?
A: Dear Pamela Richard, We would like to tell you that we only charged you $39.85. The EFT fee was not charged by US. It should be charged by your bank. Would you please contact with your bank ? Thanks for your understanding.
Tajana    Time: 2021-02-23 13:28
Q: One handle of my sunglases is broken,can i order new eyeglass handles? What can i do?
A: Dear Tajana, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
Asia Jamison    Time: 2021-02-23 10:19
Q: I did not receive a pair of glasses I ordered. Sn: jr66350
A: Dear Asia Jamison, Please don\'t worry. We shipped the Sn: jr66350 separately. We will email you a tracking number later. Thank you.
Cathy    Time: 2021-02-22 22:53
Q: I have a new prescription and have ordered several pair from Wherelight before. I have a frame that I really love but you do not make it any more. Can I return the glasses and have the new lens put in the old frame
A: Dear Cathy, We would like to tell you that our factory is located in China. The freight is expensive and there is no guarantee that the frames will be properly delivered to us remained intact. So we don\'t recommend you to send the frames to us.
Gwendolyn Stopkowitz     Time: 2021-02-20 08:13
Q: I was just cleaning my glasses I got in October the pink ones and the frame literally cracked ? I’ve only had them four months. What would cause this
A: Dear Gwendolyn Stopkowitz, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please tell us your order number ? And would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
JackieWakefield    Time: 2021-02-19 17:17
Q: i need to order transistion glassses how or what do i order
A: Dear Jackie Wakefield, We have photochromic grey and photochromic brown tint. You can choose the one you like.
AliceRomo    Time: 2021-02-19 13:05
Q: I purchased a new pair of glasses and they arrived and I am super happy with them however I cannot see properly. I went to compare them to the last pair I purchased from wherelight and the eye doctor made a mistake,obviously, and gave me a prescription lesser than what I am. Given the recent winter freeze I can't afford to purchase another pair. Please please help me. Ps, my husband loves his new glasses!
A: Dear Alice Romo, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. We have checled your order, the prescription is the same as your previous. Do you mean that you need a new prescription, but your eye doctor gave you a wrong prescription ?
Mariana Sanabia    Time: 2021-02-19 12:16
Q: Hi! I would like to know if you ship worldwide. I live in Uruguay, South America. Thank you!
A: Dear Mariana Sanabia, Please choose UPS express shipping.
If you have any questions about our products and service, please leave a message. Our customer service members will answer your questions as soon as possible. Before you ask the questions, we suggest you make sure your email address is correct. Our customer service staffs are very happy to answer every question you will ask no matter what kinds of complaints and suggestions you give for we take customers as our gods.