Free shipping on $69.00+
  • · Order grand total over US$69.
  • · Automatically apply without coupon code.
  • · Only for US/CA/UK area temporarily.
  • · Exceeding 5 pairs will be charged shipping fee.

Consulting Servive Center

Monica Guidry    Time: 2021-04-16 18:53
Q: Bogo code does not work
A: Dear Monica Guidry,Please don\'t choose discounted glasses. All coupon codes could not be applied to discounted glasses and accessories.
Lois T Knox    Time: 2021-04-16 14:55
Q: My order #82103281841436 how long of a wait do I have before receiving my 2 pairs of glasses. Thank you.
A: Dear Lois T Kno, The tracking number is 9400116902368877565968. It will take 6-14 business days to deliver. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877565968
SusanHarju    Time: 2021-04-16 10:22
Q: Have #2190513134604 is the order number. Are these frames coming back in stock? I have these, but prescription change, need another pair.
A: Dear Susan Harju, Sorry. the frame is discontinued.
StaceyMcCann    Time: 2021-04-16 10:13
Q: Hi, I have a question about item 3571. The picture shows the options black or tortoishell but when I try it on it is a combo of both (black on top and tortoise on the bottom) If I order the product is that what I will receive? That is the one I want. Thank you for clarifying.
A: Dear Stacey McCann, we don\'t have frame 3571. Would you please send us a picture ? We will help you.
RobinHackney    Time: 2021-04-15 17:59
Q: They glasses after weeks trying to figure out how to do the perscriptions. I was ready to check out it was supposed to be buy one get one free and it's not That's not fair. It should be 75.00 and it's not Please help
A: Dear Robin Hackney, Would you please tell us your order number ? We will help you.
KathyBrighton    Time: 2021-04-15 13:48
Q: 400116902368877432352 The lens fell out of my new glasses and I wrote asking for a refund. I never heard anything back and hope we can resolve this.
A: Dear Kathy Brighton, We are so sorry for this. We can remake the glasses for you, would you please tell us if you can accept this ?
SusanTulis    Time: 2021-04-15 11:17
Q: I asked that my latest order be 150 and 150 not 2.25, 2.25.
A: Dear Susan Tulis, Please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
Kelli JoStrong    Time: 2021-04-14 23:19
Q: 82011180941285 I never received this item and it says I paid for it.
A: Dear Kelli JoStrong, We would like to tell you that you apply a refund on this order. So we cancelled this order and refunded you. Please check your Paypal.
TaniaHayes    Time: 2021-04-14 20:49
Q: Hello, I have not had any shipping updates. Not sure if tracking number is correct, because its says that they are still waiting for the item to arrive from your factory. Please advise, thank you!
A: Dear Tania Hayes, We would like to tell you that we have shipped your order out. Tracking is not updated because your package is still in transit. And the tracking will be updated by local USPS office when your package arrives at next facility. Due to the COVID-19, the update of the USPS tracking information is unstable. Sometimes the tracking information will not be updated until the pacakge arrives at the destination. We will try our best to make sure that you will receive your package. Thank you.
Isabel Allende     Time: 2021-04-14 05:54
Q: Como compro con la oferta del segundo espejuelo gratis?
A: Dear Isabel Allende, please choose 2 pairs of glasses and enter the code, we will only charge you one pair.Please don\'t choose discounted glasses. All coupon codes could not be applied to discounted glasses and accessories.
MalloryThomas     Time: 2021-04-14 03:55
Q: Why is my order just now being processed, I would like a refund of my express fees immediately. I placed an order on April 8, 2021. It’s now April 14,2021.
A: Dear MalloryThomas, The total delivery time for your order is the period of time from when you place your order until the time it\'s delivered to you. It consists of two parts: Processing Time and Shipping Time. Express shipping only includes shipping time, not processing time. And we have finished your order. We will ship your order today. We will email you a tracking number tomorrow. Please don\'t worry. Thanks for your understanding.
MaryRoss    Time: 2021-04-13 11:38
Q: I placed an order today and 1Apr but only the order for today is showing under my WHERELIGHT account..can I get an update please.
A: Dear Mary Ross, We have shipped your order #82104131135322, the tracking number is 9400116902368877508378. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877508378
Andrea    Time: 2021-04-12 06:42
Q: I want to expedite my shipping order.How can I change my shipping order?
A: Dear Andrea, Would you please tell us your order number ? We will help you.
JyllBodenmiller    Time: 2021-04-12 05:11
Q: Order was placed 8 days ago & there has been no update on it being shipped. I’ve ordered between 30-40 frames from this site over the last 2 years.
A: Dear Jyll Bodenmiller, We have shipped your order. The tracking number is 9400116902368877507678. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877507678
MaryC    Time: 2021-04-11 12:25
Q: I’m being told that I can only “Choose other glasses” when I go to checkout even though all of the glasses appear to be in stock.
A: Dear MaryC, We would like to tell you that you can only choose one 90% off glasses ($2.50/$2.95/$3.99 can only get a pair of eyeglasses at each order.)
HeatherBruins    Time: 2021-04-11 10:58
Q: I got my order, but I cannot focus my eyes with the lenses. The multi focal area is very blurry, I have to take my glasses off to see, is this normal?
A: Dear Heather Bruins, Please don\'t worry, we will help you. Is this the first time you use this prescription ? Please get used to your new lenses gradually by increasing how much time you wear them over the first few days. Try not to switch between different glasses, since this will lengthen your period of adaptation.
MaryMusso    Time: 2021-04-11 09:44
Q: Are you able to produce progressive lenses with prism?
A: Dear Mary Musso, Sorry, we don\'t offer progressive lenses with prism.
Gigi     Time: 2021-04-10 22:42
Q: I have a question about a pair of glasses in my cart. No where in the description that I saw did it say they were clip sunglasses. I wanted to buy the glasses originally to wear as regular glasses and when picking out lense tint I selected no tint but if the glasses are clip ons even better but would the lens tint we choose would that go on the actual glass frame lense or on the clip on lense.
A: Dear Gigi, Which frame do you want ? Please tell us the frame name. We will check it for you. Do you mean that you want photochromic glasses ?
CassieCross    Time: 2021-04-10 08:25
Q: How do I pay for the glasses I want to order? I do not see a checkout button. Only an option to add more lenses
A: Dear Cassie Cross, We would like to tell you that you can only choose one 90% off glasses ($2.50/$2.95/$3.99 can only get a pair of eyeglasses at each order.)
NANCY BECK    Time: 2021-04-09 18:58
Q: I came to your website through a Facebook ad showing buy1 get 1 free on the floral designs. I cannot find any type of coupon code or anything that gives me the option to choose a free pair.
A: Dear NANCY BECK, Please use the code: bogo3 . Please choose 2 pairs of glasses and we will only charge you one pair.
VivianJohnson    Time: 2021-04-09 08:26
Q: Help. I want to place an order. I had two pair of glasses in my cart and have a BOGO code (17mll20702097v0413) As I went to the payment screen, my computer crashed. When I came back, it says my coupon has already been used. But it actually hasn't. Help!!!
A: Dear Vivian Johnson, We would like to tell you that you can use the code : bogo3
DeeSmith    Time: 2021-04-09 01:37
Q: My glasses arrived damage. I filled out the customer service fiorm days ago. I haven't heard anything back from customer service
A: Dear Dee Smith, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
LexiWhite    Time: 2021-04-08 16:52
Q: I’ve only worn these frames for a month and they are cracked, can I get a replacement pair or a refund? Thank you, Lexi
A: Dear Lexi White, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
Natayia Williams    Time: 2021-04-08 13:14
Q: I have a Dist. P.D. of 33 in each eye will your lenses be available to me???
A: Dear Natayia Williams, Please choose 66 as your PD. https://www.wherelight.com/
AliciaEscalante    Time: 2021-04-08 09:56
Q: Hi just got my glasses in they look amazing but they aren’t my prescription can I send these back?
A: Dear Alicia Escalante, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
DawnBailey    Time: 2021-04-08 08:21
Q: A nurse in my Dr office has frames that I love. I believe she purchased them from you. May I send you a picture and can you help me try to find them please?
A: Dear Dawn Bailey, Please send the picture to us. We will help you.
JenniferCalvert    Time: 2021-04-08 05:23
Q: I just ordered glasses and the sizing seems all off. I have a pair similar in size from another company and the pair I got from you is absolutely horrible!! The quality is bad and the lens stick out and the frames are way off. How do you get a refund?
A: Dear Jennifer Calvert, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
EricAbernathy    Time: 2021-04-07 16:27
Q: Is this glasses for just females?
A: Dear Eric Abernathy, Here is the link for men: https://www.wherelight.com/PrescriptionGlasses.php?GENDERS=2&d=men
Sandra     Time: 2021-04-07 12:32
Q: Hi. I have been recommended to you by some friends. I just would like to know if you do progressive (3) lens and also do you do the sunglasses either clip on or magnetic in the lens??
A: Dear Sandra, We have progressive lens. Here is the link for clip on sunglasses : https://www.wherelight.com/PrescriptionGlasses.php?&GENDERS=2&scene=3&l=Clip-On
KarenBriscoe    Time: 2021-04-06 07:41
Q: Hello I have a far and Near PD. I only have the option to put in one for the rt and left eye. How can I make sure u have the correct numbers for the far and Near PD???
A: Dear Karen Briscoe, If you order reading glasses glasses, please use near PD. Otherwise, please use far PD.
If you have any questions about our products and service, please leave a message. Our customer service members will answer your questions as soon as possible. Before you ask the questions, we suggest you make sure your email address is correct. Our customer service staffs are very happy to answer every question you will ask no matter what kinds of complaints and suggestions you give for we take customers as our gods.