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Consulting Servive Center

angiesams    Time: 2020-12-27 11:32
Q: Can I return glasses that are too small for my head?
A: Dear angiesams, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please tell us your order number ? Would you please take a photo by wearing the glasses and send it to us ?
HazelleGoodman    Time: 2020-12-26 19:13
Q: Hello, I am interested in the glasses frame called Sheila. However, it appears to be only available in large and I need medium. I looked at several other frames and they were also only available in large. I would like to get the frame Sheila in medium. Can you help? Thank you
A: Dear Hazelle Goodman, We are sorry to tell you that the size of each frame is fixed. You can check the measurements detail ?
VetriceWoods     Time: 2020-12-23 22:59
Q: This is my first time purchase glasses from this company praying everything goes well because I'm having a hard time figuring this out so my question is when I completed this task will I be able to go ahead and pay and how do I enter payment
A: Dear Vetrice Woods, What can we do for you ? We will help you.
DonnaHodges    Time: 2020-12-23 06:21
Q: What does PD mean when entering prescription details
A: Dear Donna Hodges, Pupillary distance (PD) is the distance measured in millimeters between the centers of the pupils of the eyes. This measurement is different from person to person and also depends on whether they are looking at near objects or far away.If you don\'t know your PD, you have rights to contact your doctor/optometrist to get your accurate PD value. Or you can measure it yourself with a millimeter ruler.Follow these simple steps: 1.) Rest a mm ruler on the bridge of your nose just in front of your eyes. Look straight ahead and line up the 0mm marker with the center or one pupil. 2.) Read the ruler in a mirror, or have someone at the same height as you read it. 3.) The mark that lands in the center of the other eye is your Pupillary Distance. 4.) Repeat these steps 2-3 times to make sure your results are accurate.
LaVerne Ingram    Time: 2020-12-22 09:56
Q: I have just sent my glasses back at the post office today with a letter of what I want with the glasses I will be following these glasses and I said in the letter I will pay extra to get them correct and then possibly purchase more my number is 614-327-8356 please answer
A: Dear LaVerne Ingram, We would like to tell you that our factory is located in China. The freight is expensive and there is no guarantee that the frames will be properly delivered to us remained intact. So we can\'t receive your glasses. We can offer you a $20 coupon to place a new order. Would you please tell us if you can accept this ?
MarisolFigueroa    Time: 2020-12-22 09:23
Q: Hi there! The post office sent my glasses back due to wrong address. How can I get them back again? Order 82011291227020
A: Dear Marisol Figueroa, Would you please tell us your correct address ? We will help you.
BarbaraGunsten    Time: 2020-12-21 11:20
Q: I spun the wheel and logged into my acct. This order was supposed to have included a free black (owl?) deco case. please include it and call me at 775.750.5550. Thankyou
A: Dear Barbara Gunsten, We will ship a black owl case with your order together. Please don\'t worry.
AliceGill    Time: 2020-12-21 09:22
Q: In the Axis Os my prescription has 010. Would that be 10?
A: Dear Alice Gill, Yes, please choose 10.
ABradley    Time: 2020-12-21 08:10
Q: I need help addressing issues with my order. Please email me. argurgelab@gmail.com
A: Dear A Bradley, Would you please tell us your order number ? And would you please tell us your problem in detail ? We will help you.
JesseniaZayas    Time: 2020-12-21 05:46
Q: How do I enter my receipt?
A: Dear Jessenia Zayas, Would you please take a photo of your prescription and attach it in the email so that we can check it for you ?
ericastandridge    Time: 2020-12-19 22:50
Q: I’m trying to check out but it is not letting me. It keeps saying choose other glasses
A: Dear ericastandridge, We would like to tell you that you can only choose one $2.95 glasses in one order. Thanks for your understanding.
SarahDoyle    Time: 2020-12-19 09:05
Q: I am having such a hard time locating my package. Could you please tell me what carrier you used. And where it was shipped from. Thank you so much. I think the problem is with the carrier.
A: Dear Sarah Doyle, We use USPS. The tracking shows that Your item departed our USPS facility in FAYETTEVILLE NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER ANNEX on December 15, 2020 at 7:04 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Would you please wait a few more days ?
Patricia Hayes    Time: 2020-12-18 18:54
Q: How can I track my order
A: Dear Patricia Hayes, Would you please tell us your order number ?
India    Time: 2020-12-17 20:41
Q: Why does it say it was paid to a Chinese company ? Just making sure this is a legit business.
A: Dear India, We would like to tell you that our factory is located in China. Thank you.
Lindsay    Time: 2020-12-17 10:43
Q: Hello, can you help me with tracking my order.
A: Dear Lindsay, We have shipped your order. The tracking number is 9405511108296429826086. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9405511108296429826086
LisaStrickland    Time: 2020-12-17 10:26
Q: I would like to purchase the heart shaped valentina frames but the website will not let me enter my prescription. Why are these not available for prescription lenses?
A: Dear Lisa Strickland, We are so sorry for this. This frame is sold as frame only.
Victoria Tupua    Time: 2020-12-17 09:28
Q: Can I purchase reading glasses? 1.75
A: Dear Victoria Tupua, Yes, please choose single vision reading lens and choose +1.75 as your SPH value.
michelenewberry    Time: 2020-12-17 04:09
Q: I ordered 3 pair of eyeglasses Dec 1..... I haven’t received them yet????? Where are my eyeglasses????
A: Dear michele newberry, We have shipped your order. The tracking number is 9400116902368877402430. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877402430
KatieErdman    Time: 2020-12-16 16:59
Q: How do I return glasses that don’t fit? I liked 1 out 3 glasses and want to return the other two.
A: Dear Katie Erdman, We are so sorry for this. We will help you. Which 2 do you want to return ?
CassidyPetska    Time: 2020-12-16 14:46
Q: I am trying to use $10 coupon and BOGO...it keeps telling me to choose other glasses. Please help.
A: Dear Cassidy Petska, We would like to tell you that if want to use the coupon, please don\'t choose discounted glasses. All coupon codes could not be applied to discounted glasses and accessories.
NatashaLee    Time: 2020-12-16 13:54
Q: Hello, I just placed an order today. Can you tell me the expected ship date? Thank you!
A: Dear Natasha Lee, We will email you a tracking number when we ship the glasses. Please don\'t worry.
SarahDoyle    Time: 2020-12-16 08:58
Q: Where are my glasses? Label was printed on 11/27. That is the only information I have.
A: Dear Sarah Doyle, The tracking has been updated. You will receive your order soon.You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877423930
Monica    Time: 2020-12-16 08:17
Q: I'm trying to buy using the 2020MAS code for Buy 1 get 1 but it doesn't allow me to continue with the transaction. It said that I have to add 1 more. Could somebody explain? or it is just not true that there is this promotion?
A: Dear Monica, Please don\'t choose discounted glasses. All coupon codes could not be applied to discounted glasses and accessories.
KarinaHagelin    Time: 2020-12-16 06:45
Q: I only have an axis for my left eye. But it won't let me finish my order without an axis for my right eye.
A: Dear Karina Hagelin, Would you please take a photo of your prescription and send it to us ? We will help you.
Andreina Matamoros     Time: 2020-12-16 04:49
Q: Hi I want to know where is my order because in the page said alredy shipped but is no arrived yet
A: Dear Andreina Matamoros, We would like to tell you that we have shipped your order out. Tracking is not updated because your package is still in transit. And the tracking will be updated by local USPS office when your package arrives at next facility. Due to the COVID-19, the update of the USPS tracking information is unstable. Sometimes the tracking information will not be updated until the pacakge arrives at the destination. We will try our best to make sure that you will receive your package. Thank you.
Saundrarubel    Time: 2020-12-15 21:07
Q: Hello, Where is my Order Number:220112717183552020 on 11-27? Thank you
A: Dear Saundra rubel, We have shipped your order. The tracking number is 9400116902368877490840. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877490840
Isaiah Thomas    Time: 2020-12-15 20:54
Q: Is there a certain amount I have to spend in order to check out
A: Dear Isaiah Thomas, There is no certain amount.
ReneeStoner    Time: 2020-12-15 15:25
Q: My prescription says my OD cylinder is DS. What does that mean? I don’t see an option for that when selecting my prescription
A: Dear Renee Stoner, DS means 0.00. Please choose 0.00
DebbieReynvaan    Time: 2020-12-15 07:57
Q: Hi, I'm tracking my item, but it still says pre-shipment. Do you use a USPS shipping partner? If so, which one? Thanks
A: Dear Debbie Reynvaan, We would like to tell you that we have shipped your order out. Tracking is not updated because your package is still in transit. And the tracking will be updated by local USPS office when your package arrives at next facility. Due to the COVID-19, the update of the USPS tracking information is unstable. Sometimes the tracking information will not be updated until the pacakge arrives at the destination. We will try our best to make sure that you will receive your package. Thank you.
JenniferMurray    Time: 2020-12-14 07:18
Q: Where’s my order? How can I track it?
A: Dear Jennifer Murray, Would you please tell us your order number ? We will help you.
If you have any questions about our products and service, please leave a message. Our customer service members will answer your questions as soon as possible. Before you ask the questions, we suggest you make sure your email address is correct. Our customer service staffs are very happy to answer every question you will ask no matter what kinds of complaints and suggestions you give for we take customers as our gods.