Q: I do not have a PD listed on my prescription and when I choose none on the order page, it will not allow me to proceed to the next page. How do i get past this? Or should I have it on my prescription?
A: If you don’t have any PD values on the prescription, you have rights to contact your doctor/optometrist to get your accurate PD value.
Or you can measure it yourself with a millimeter ruler. Follow these simple steps: 1.) Rest a mm ruler on the bridge of your nose just in front of your eyes. Look straight ahead and line up the 0mm marker with the center or one pupil.2.) Read the ruler in a mirror, or have someone at the same height as you read it.3.) The mark that lands in the center of the other eye is your Pupillary Distance.4.) Repeat these steps 2-3 times to make sure your results are accurate.