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Consulting Servive Center

JacquelineFernandez    Time: 2021-08-20 22:38
Q: Trying to order glasses- and am informed "No Presciption". I have one!
A: Dear Jacqueline Fernandez, What can we do for you ? We will help you.
EmilyStark    Time: 2021-08-20 08:09
Q: According to your site my order shipped FOUR DAYS AGO and yet still hasn't been delivered to the post office. THE PACKAGE ISN'T SHIPPED IF THE POST OFFICE USPS HASN'T RECEIVED IT!
A: Dear Emily Stark, The tracking has been updated. You will receive it soon. In Transit, Arriving On Time -> Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered by the expected delivery date. It is currently in transit to the next facility. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877967168
Ramona Yarbrough     Time: 2021-08-20 07:39
Q: I purchased a pair of the Rainbow Mollie glasses & unfortunately the frames cracked after about a month. The frames were only $2.50, but the set cost about $50. Is there anything your company could do for me ? Maybe an account credit so that I could order a different style ? I am very careful with my glasses, but obviously this particular frame is not very strong. Thank you, Ramona
A: Dear Ramona Yarbrough, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
Jennifer Holwell    Time: 2021-08-20 01:26
Q: I ordered some glasses via standard shipping late last year and they arrived fine. I ordered some more again this week via standard shipping and today I’ve had an email asking for $12 more via paypal to do express shipping as you won’t do standard? Is this genuine?!
A: Dear Jennifer Holwell, Yes, we are so sorry for this. We can\'t ship your order via standard shipping now. Do you still want your order ? If you don\'t want the order, we can cancel it and refund the money to you.
Karla Guzman    Time: 2021-08-19 17:17
Q: do you accept debit card as a payment method? .
A: Dear Karla Guzman, Sorry, we don\'t. We accept credit card.
MistyFulton    Time: 2021-08-19 07:39
Q: I recently ordered glasses and sent pics of the frame because they were chipped up and have got no response about a refund.
A: Dear Misty Fulton, We are so sorry for this. We can remake the glasses for you. Would you please tell us if you can accept this ?
Nicole B    Time: 2021-08-17 19:30
Q: I recently ordered 8 pair of glasses. All we’re fine except 2 pair. They both had finger prints that will not wipe off. I would like to see if it’s possible to replace both pairs and what is the return address if this is a option. Thanks
A: Dear Nicole B, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
KendraDicer    Time: 2021-08-17 13:59
Q: I am not sure how to put my prescription in
A: Dear Kendra Dicer, What type of lens do you want ? Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
CarolDarling    Time: 2021-08-17 11:26
Q: Hello. I sent an email a few days ago asking if No. (18908) Color (floral) was available in a Progressive lens fitting frame? I wanted to add additional information in that the Product Name is Hester. Thank you.
A: Dear Carol Darling, It is unavailable in Progressive lens. Please choose other frames. Thank you.
ReneeWatson    Time: 2021-08-17 07:49
Q: My shipping status hasn’t updated/changed since the 11th. Please advise. Tracking # 9400116902368877965201 and tracking # 9400116902368877965942 Thank you.
A: Dear Renee Watson, We would like to tell you that we have shipped your order out. Tracking is not updated because your package is still in transit. And the tracking will be updated by local USPS office when your package arrives at next facility.Sometimes the tracking information will not be updated until the pacakge arrives at the destination. We will try our best to make sure that you will receive your package. Thank you.
MelanieMeece    Time: 2021-08-17 06:54
Q: question about PD - mine is 31, but not seeing that option, please advise and thank you!
A: Dear Melanie Meece, Please choose 62 as your PD. 31+31=62
HenriettaDodds    Time: 2021-08-16 05:38
Q: I LOVE my glasses but I can see a thing! I noticed that my prescription is not right. the "add 200" was left out. my order # is 82107201611369. Can I have it corrected please? How do we proceed to correct it? I thank you.
A: Dear Henrietta Dodds, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
Amy    Time: 2021-08-15 17:11
Q: I have bought 7 pairs of glasses from you over the last 8 months. One of which I needed replaced because it had broken in an odd place after weeks of waiting they were replaced. Now I am having the same issue. My order number is 22011160915238. The Wadan black frames with flowers now broke in an odd place. I can send pictures. These glasses were my most expensive pair. Id like to see if I could either get them replaced or a refund? Amy Archuleta 720-212-8085 aarchul470@gmail.com
A: Dear Amy, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
JailaSmith    Time: 2021-08-14 18:31
Q: Can I have the tracking number and order number and an estimation on how long it will take for me to receive them?
A: Dear Jaila Smith, We will email you a tracking number when we ship your order. Please don\'t worry. Your order numebr is 82108121809278
ElizabethKnox    Time: 2021-08-14 17:25
Q: I was missing the most expensive piece in my order. I submitted a ticket and have received no communication!
A: Dear Elizabeth Knox, We are so sorry for this. We can remake the glasses for you. Would you please tell us if you can accept this ? If you can accept this, would you please choose a new frame on our website ? Because the sunglasses frame is discontinued.
ElizabethReiss    Time: 2021-08-13 14:23
Q: I'd like to get the floral glasses with no prescription just as sunglasses.
A: Dear Elizabeth Reiss, You can choose 0.00 as your prescription.
Cassandra Nair     Time: 2021-08-13 11:47
Q: I received a text message on my phone 541-619-6383 on 7/17/21 at 7 pm to confirm my order . I have not received my glasses or any further messages from your company since. I am sorry I am unable to log in to your site . I have tried several email addresses and passwords none work and the number on your text always rings busy please call me at 15416197383 to discuss my order and reset my password . Thanks
A: Dear Cassandra Nair, Would you please tell us your order number ? Do you have another email address ? We can\'t search your account in our system.
Julia Foster    Time: 2021-08-12 01:29
Q: I purchased glasses a few weeks ago and they are already broken, they broke where the ear piece meets the rim :(
A: Dear Julia Foster, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
Ronsmith    Time: 2021-08-11 06:31
Q: I need clip on sunglasses with my order. Can I get the magnet kind
A: Dear Ronsmith, We don\'t sell clip separately. We have clip-on sunglasses, here is the link: https://www.wherelight.com/PrescriptionGlasses.php?&glass_type=1&scene=3&l=Clip-On
KirstenJedamczik    Time: 2021-08-10 19:49
Q: I would like to order intermediate glasses but the "single vision" does not let me enter the "add" portion of the prescription.
A: Dear Kirsten Jedamczik, Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ? We will help you.
AndresiaHuntley     Time: 2021-08-10 11:25
Q: Do you email about order status?
A: Dear Andresia Huntley, The tracking number is 9400116902368877903050. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877903050
MarthaCardenas    Time: 2021-08-10 07:58
Q: I placed my order and I did sent a copy of my prescription just checking to see if you got it and if I’m not happy with them are they refundable
A: Dear Martha Cardenas, We received your prescription. If you Don\'t like glasses because of fitting, color, size, or others.Wherelight will offer you 50% discount coupon(excluding shipping cost) of the previous order to buy new glasses.
Kaitlyn Abramenko    Time: 2021-08-09 12:08
Q: Hi, when I was trying to buy a pair of glasses, there wasn't a place to put in the prism measurement on my prescription? Will you be able to put in a horizontal prism if I put that in the additional notes section?
A: Dear Kaitlyn Abramenko, We will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
Grace Thomas Clarke     Time: 2021-08-07 16:53
Q: Hello, I do not have a prescription, but my opthomoligist said O need to buy 225 reading glasses. I don't know what my PD is. Need help to figure out. Thanks.
A: Dear Grace Thomas Clarke, You can choose +2.25 as your sph values. The PD is very important to your vision. We need to make the lenses according to your PD. If you don\'t know your PD, you have rights to contact your doctor/optometrist to get your accurate PD value. Or you can measure it yourself with a millimeter ruler.Follow these simple steps: 1.) Rest a mm ruler on the bridge of your nose just in front of your eyes. Look straight ahead and line up the 0mm marker with the center or one pupil. 2.) Read the ruler in a mirror, or have someone at the same height as you read it. 3.) The mark that lands in the center of the other eye is your Pupillary Distance. 4.) Repeat these steps 2-3 times to make sure your results are accurate.
Janet Spain    Time: 2021-08-07 06:24
Q: LOVE your glasses. Best frame designs I have ever seen! I have not seen anything else like yours. BUT…..PLEASE make readers!!!!!!
A: Dear Janet Spain, We have reading glasses. You can choose single vision reading lens.
Regina Minor    Time: 2021-08-06 07:16
Q: I love these glasses so much Thank you so much for high quality glasses at reasonable prices. At this price you can afford to lose them sit on them etc...
A: Dear Regina Minor. Thank you.
TriolyaCarruth    Time: 2021-08-05 21:02
Q: I received my glasses. I have just decided to wear them. I heard a pop and looked and saw my glasses had broke in the bottom of the frame. This should not have happened. I love my glasses. What can be done to replace or repair them?
A: Dear Triolya Carruth, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
Monique nimphius    Time: 2021-08-05 09:48
Q: I can't find the clip on sunglasses
A: Dear Monique nimphius, Here is the link of clip-on glasses: https://www.wherelight.com/PrescriptionGlasses.php?scene=3&d=clip-on
SaraCover    Time: 2021-08-03 13:56
Q: Why can’t I checkout?
A: Dear Sara Cover, We would like to tell you that you can only choose one 90% off glasses ($2.50/$2.95/$3.99 can only get a pair of eyeglasses at each order.)
KeishaRosado Santiago    Time: 2021-08-03 08:34
Q: Buenos días tengo dudas con el PD ya que tengo dos y no encuentro los espejuelos adecuados
A: Dear KeishaRosado Santiago, Would you please tell us your PD ? What type of glasses do you want ? Single vision glasses or Multifocal progressive glasses ?
If you have any questions about our products and service, please leave a message. Our customer service members will answer your questions as soon as possible. Before you ask the questions, we suggest you make sure your email address is correct. Our customer service staffs are very happy to answer every question you will ask no matter what kinds of complaints and suggestions you give for we take customers as our gods.