Free shipping on $69.00+
  • · Order grand total over US$69.
  • · Automatically apply without coupon code.
  • · Only for US/CA/UK area temporarily.
  • · Exceeding 5 pairs will be charged shipping fee.

Consulting Servive Center

OctaviaMarshall Moy    Time: 2021-06-22 13:51
Q: A pair of my frames are broken. Is there a way to exchange the frames or replace them?
A: Dear Octavia Marshall Moy, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
RemeeHuff    Time: 2021-06-21 09:56
Q: I purchased the black Priscilla frames quite a while ago and I just broke one of arms. I don’t see it online to purchase a new frame. Do you have any of the black frames in stock. I’d like to order it?
A: Dear Remee Huff, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
MakebaPhillips    Time: 2021-06-20 07:36
Q: The bogo3 isn’t working for me
A: Dear Makeba Phillips, Please don\'t choose discounted glasses. All coupon codes could not be applied to discounted glasses and accessories.
Joanna    Time: 2021-06-19 20:55
Q: I haven’t received a confirmation email for my order but I did receive a confirmation from PayPal that my order went through. I tried to sign in with my email and it says it is not registered. Please help. I don’t have an order number or anything.
A: Dear Joanna, Please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please tell us the Paypal transaction ID ? We will check it for you.
AlisaKowalski    Time: 2021-06-19 17:33
Q: I just received my new glasses a few days ago and they’re adorable but as soon as I put them on I knew something was wrong. I couldn’t focus on anything and they made me incredibly nauseous. After checking my prescription over and over I still couldn’t figure out what was wrong until I checked each lens separately and the right one is crystal clear but the left one is incredibly blurry. I have a single vision prescription so they should be the same. Is there any way this can be fixed?
A: Dear Alisa Kowalski, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
Daniela    Time: 2021-06-19 14:22
Q: I would like to order the Anabella frame with clip on and frame in Tortoise shell. I wanted to know if it is possible to order extra clip ons. If I buy the tortoise frame may I have two tortoise shell clip on fronts and maybe a black one.
A: Dear Daniela, We don\'t have extra clip ons. Thank you.
JeanGeter    Time: 2021-06-19 06:46
Q: I would like to take advantage of the buy one get one free. However, I would like to have 2 or the same pair. One with plain lens and one with the brown lens. How do I place the order
A: Dear Jean Geter, please don\'t choose 2 same pair, please choose 2 different pairs and leave a note.
Michelle    Time: 2021-06-18 11:21
Q: I ordered glasses on 4/29 for father's day. I have not received my order. When I check the shipping the last date is 5/6/21. Michell Reed
A: Dear Michelle Reed, We are sorry to hear that, Concerning your case, we can remake the eyeglasses for you. Would you please tell us whether you can accept it ?
CristinaEllis    Time: 2021-06-18 08:54
Q: Yes the design of the classes i bought need to be fixed or tightened because dirt is getting trapped with in the frames, but i think the glasses are beautiful because of their style. I'd like to speak to someone. Please message me or call 270 564 5087
A: Dear Cristina Ellis, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
MeganRosenberg    Time: 2021-06-17 14:02
Q: Hi, are these available with prescription lenses? https://www.wherelight.com/wl/GetInfo-2455.html?c=pink&from=product
A: Dear Megan Rosenberg, these are unavailable with prescription lenses. It is frame only.
JeffLindsey    Time: 2021-06-16 11:32
Q: I’m afraid paypal didn’t take my payment. Or took my payment twice. 9153013122 telephone number. I only want one pair of glasses.
A: Dear Jeff Lindsey, You didn\'t complete the payment.
Brenda Newton    Time: 2021-06-16 08:40
Q: Can You Do This Glasses In Black/Silver or Is It Just in Black/Gold??
A: Dear Brenda Newton, Which frame do you want ?
CatherineMayo    Time: 2021-06-15 20:02
Q: I see that I have several hundred "points" that I've earned but there is nothing that tells me what a point means or how to spend them. Not even in the FAQ. please help?
A: Dear Catherine Mayo, Please log in your account and click \'My Points\'. 100 points can be used to offset $1 Credits can be exchanged for accessories and specials Credits cannot be used to offset freight charges
SheilaBoswell    Time: 2021-06-15 18:06
Q: Good evening I ordered glasses that just arrived and once I put them on I realized that I put the wrong numbers in. I should have put positive instead I put negative. Is there any way that this can be fixed.
A: Dear Sheila Boswell, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
CarolineWilliams    Time: 2021-06-15 18:02
Q: Regarding Single Vision Premium Lenses. I am looking for "no line computer progressive". Lenses designed to see from near to distance up to 4 feet with widest near viewing area and intermediate field. Do you offer this type of lens? What is the Functional Lens Premium option? I entered my prescription without the ADD as requested. I approved the additional charge for 1.61 index. Thank you for your help.
A: Dear Caroline Williams, If you want progressive glasses, please don\'t choose Single Vision Premium. Please choose Progressive or Free Form.
StephanieGarcia    Time: 2021-06-15 11:27
Q: hi, recently placed my order on June 10 and it still shows CARGO ALLOCATING and NO SHIP. does that mean that my order 22106101215579 will not be shipping out to me? thanks
A: Dear Stephanie Garcia, We will ship your order tomorrow and we will email you a tracking number. Please don\'t worry.
Gail pichen    Time: 2021-06-15 07:28
Q: Recieved my sunglasses and the prescription is wrong. May I return and have them redone?
A: Dear Gail pichen, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of your original prescription and send it to us ?
StephanieClarke    Time: 2021-06-14 12:14
Q: Please give me an order status update . A label was created 6/8 it is on 6/14 9400116902368877570481
A: Dear Stephanie Clarke, The tracking shows that 2021-06-14 20:46 RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility -> Your item departed our USPS facility in RALEIGH NC DISTRIBUTION CENTER on June 14, 2021 at 8:46 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
AngelKaye    Time: 2021-06-12 18:43
Q: Hello, This is my first time wearing and ordering glasses. On my prescription from my eye exam, it says "PD: 58/55". What number should I pick when ordering frames? I need glasses to see distance objects. Thank you!
A: Dear Angel Kaye, Please choose 58 as PD.
RandiWelhaven    Time: 2021-06-12 09:35
Q: Dang! I just noticed an email offering me BOGO on an order I made yesterday! I would love to use it - is there any way that I could? Thank you very much, Randi Welhaven
A: Dear Randi Welhaven, Please choose 2 pairs of glasses and enter the code, then we will only charge you one pair.
DawnGrey    Time: 2021-06-11 13:57
Q: I had a question about the clear pair if frames I bought. They cracked on the frame, and the lense fell right out...
A: Dear Dawn Grey, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
JackieSchulz    Time: 2021-06-11 10:59
Q: Order 22104232247164 order a pair of glasses, not very happy had them less the a week and the arms broke. out of all the orders I have made I must say this is one of the worst orders I have had. Is there a way of fixing this issus thanks
A: Dear Jackie Schulz, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
EssenceThomas    Time: 2021-06-07 21:10
Q: My axis is wrong on a order I just made it is 090 for the right and 040 for the left. How can I change this?
A: Dear Essence Thomas, We have changed it for you. Please don\'t worry.
Jennifer Jamieson     Time: 2021-06-07 13:43
Q: What is you policy on returning glasses that don't fit?
A: Dear Jennifer Jamieson, We are so sorry to hear this, please don\'t worry, we will help you. Would you please take a photo of the glasses and send it to us ?
ChristyBayer    Time: 2021-06-07 08:53
Q: I’m trying to use my bogo code and it won’t let me
A: Dear Christy Bayer, Please don\'t choose discounted glasses. All coupon codes could not be applied to discounted glasses and accessories.
Jacqueline Richards    Time: 2021-06-06 05:05
Q: What does no Bi-Focal mean
A: Dear Jacqueline Richards, Bifocal lenses include two fields of vision separated by a line. Usually the top is designated for distance vision or computer-distance vision, and the bottom for near-vision work such as reading.
MiriamPearce    Time: 2021-06-05 19:22
Q: I ordered 4 pairs of glasses last week and have not received a conformation email
A: Dear Miriam Pearce, We have shipped your order. The tracking number is 9400116902368877540651. You can check the shipping status at https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=9400116902368877540651
GriselRodriguez    Time: 2021-06-05 07:23
Q: Hi, can i change one of the frames?
A: Dear Grisel Rodriguez, We will help you. What do you want to change ?
Caitlyn    Time: 2021-06-04 19:24
Q: Hello, when I try to put in my prescription, it does not allow me to put in my proper PD numbers. They are blacked out and inaccessible.
A: Dear Caitlyn, Which frame do you want ? Would you pleasr tell us your PD value ?
PamBriar    Time: 2021-06-04 11:13
Q: I'm trying to track my package and it says it isn't found CNDFY22104301139250
A: Dear Pam Briar, The tracking shows that 02 Jun 2021 11:12 AM LT AGASSIZ, Canada Successfully delivered. Have you received it ?
If you have any questions about our products and service, please leave a message. Our customer service members will answer your questions as soon as possible. Before you ask the questions, we suggest you make sure your email address is correct. Our customer service staffs are very happy to answer every question you will ask no matter what kinds of complaints and suggestions you give for we take customers as our gods.